Allyn Beekman has worked in the computer industry and higher education. At a point of semi-retirement, he struggles with plantar fasciitis. His goal is to share all avenues of treatment and exercise that will help eliminate heel pain.
The internet is littered with written descriptions and videos that demonstrate plantar fascia foot massage with a ball. Rolling your foot over an object to detect and release sore spots in your plantar fascia can serve as an alternative to self-massage treatments or trigger point hand massage techniques. The Beat Goes On and On and OnRead More
We would all like to find a simple and effective self treatment for heel pain. Search the internet and you will find many different recommendations, several of which claim almost immediate relief. Be aware, however, that there is no guarantee that any one specific treatment will actually cure plantar fasciitis for good. One point thatRead More
Are you interested in natural treatment of plantar fasciitis? You can find references to and recommendations for a number of natural treatments if you search the internet. Whether any of these will work for your situation is the key question. This post will focus on two types of alternative treatment for plantar fasciitis – EpsomRead More
Your toes may play a critical role when it comes to healing plantar fasciitis pain. In fact, toe extensor foot muscle stretches could prove to be the most important exercises you will ever hear about. Why do I say this? As noted in the article What is Plantar Fasciosis, when you look at the feetRead More
You already understand plantar fasciitis. So what is plantar fasciosis? This article discusses a 2003 study that is changing the thinking about the cause of what is commonly known as plantar fasciitis. Though the thinking may be changing, plantar fasciitis is still the term generally utilized to describe heel pain. Thus, according to medical records, plantarRead More
A number of simple exercises for toes, if performed consistently, can help strengthen your feet and eliminate future foot pain. This includes the debilitating pain of plantar fasciitis/plantar fasciosis. Lack of strength in your feet is one type of condition that can lead to difficulties with plantar fasciitis/plantar fasciosis. The exercises described in this articleRead More
Using the RICE method for heel pain focuses on initial self-care following the onset of plantar fasciitis pain. Across the internet, many websites recommend RICE as an initial step in foot restoration. The method’s acronym stands for the four concepts of Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. These four concepts may be particularly important during theRead More
Heel pain and children don’t fit together very well. If heel pain flairs up, parents must be aware of how best to intervene. It may be plantar fasciitis which, if left on its own, could turn into a much more difficult foot issue as they age. As children grow, their feet grow too. According toRead More
It is a well-documented fact that running and heel pain go together quite often. According to, heel pain in runners eventually affects about 10% of the running population. My son-in-law Eric is a runner. He has been running marathons for 8 or 9 years now. Eric loves running but only competes to better hisRead More
Hello everyone! My name is Allyn and this is my story. The title, sandals and plantar fasciitis, is important. Let me fill you in on the reasons why. But first let me note that since I created this site and plan to have others share their stories about dealing with plantar fasciitis, I felt itRead More