This is the third article in my series on foot massage tools, this time focusing on massage sticks and rollers. Similar to how tennis balls and other types of balls can be used to aid in foot massage, these tools tend to be simple, inexpensive, and easy to transport. To use this type of massageRead More
Massaging your feet normally helps relieve some of the pain. Consider electric foot massagers and plantar fasciitis. The big question is: can such a device actually help heal a problem like plantar fasciitis? Well, if a simple tennis ball or frozen golf ball can be used as a massage treatment for plantar fasciitis then surelyRead More
This post focuses on how to self-administer trigger point therapy for feet, specifically to relieve the pain of plantar fasciitis. The concept of trigger points will be introduced and then several videos will be presented to demonstrate the procedure used to find and eliminate appropriate trigger points. In a previous post entitled Deep Tissue MassageRead More
If you search for information about deep tissue massage and plantar fasciitis, you’ll probably be both thrilled and frustrated. The thrill will come from the fact that there are innumerable articles and videos related to the topic. Your frustration could be a result of not being able to discern between the techniques and recommendations asRead More
There are several options when considering massage therapy for plantar fasciitis. In the article Anyone Can Do This! Foot Massage with a Ball, several types of balls were suggested as a rolling device to massage the plantar fascia tissue. Mentioned briefly, but not discussed in detail, was the use of a water bottle filled withRead More
The internet is littered with written descriptions and videos that demonstrate plantar fascia foot massage with a ball. Rolling your foot over an object to detect and release sore spots in your plantar fascia can serve as an alternative to self-massage treatments or trigger point hand massage techniques. The Beat Goes On and On and OnRead More
We would all like to find a simple and effective self treatment for heel pain. Search the internet and you will find many different recommendations, several of which claim almost immediate relief. Be aware, however, that there is no guarantee that any one specific treatment will actually cure plantar fasciitis for good. One point thatRead More